Saturday, September 14, 2024

Exultation of the Cross


The Cross, a symbol of love divine,
Two wooden pieces, yet oh so fine.
Stained with the blood of Christ, our Lord,
A simple plank, now a holy chord.

On Calvary's hill, He bore our pain,
Died our death, and rose again.
The Throne of the Saviour, where love did shine,
Redeeming the world, one drop at a time.

In the Cross, we see God's love so true,
And the cruelty of sin, that nailed Him anew.
A Monument of Love, that tells the greatest tale,
Of sacrifice and mercy, that never fails.

Beyond the Cross, we see the glory of God,
The resurrection power, that lifts us from the sod.
No cross, no crown, the pathway to eternity,
A bridge between earth and heaven, for you and me.

By the Cross, death was conquered, sin was paid,
Satan's power defeated, heaven was displayed.
The Weapon of Victory, that gives us might,
Jesus defeated hell, and brought us to the light.

From the Cross, forgiveness flows like a stream,
Mercy and grace, that heals our deepest dream.
The curse was changed to blessing, shame to grace,
Punishment to redemption, in this holy place.

Of the Cross, we venerate, and honor its might,
The Instrument of Salvation, that shines so bright.
Not just a symbol, but the essence of our faith,
The Cross of Christ, that gives us life and hope to sway.

To the Cross, we bend our knee,
And proclaim its power, for all to see.
Hail Holy Cross, our Saviour's mighty sign,
From which we draw strength, to carry our cross in line.

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