Showing posts with label Poen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poen. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024



Hands that wither, hands that stray
From prayer, from kindness, lose their way
Jesus commands, "Stretch out your hand"
And strength flows in, a healing plan

Holy hands, a symbol of might
Healing and helping, shining bright
Nailed to the cross, a sacrifice true
Redeeming our hands, for me and you

Clean hands, pure heart, a Psalmist's cry
Ascend the mountain, touch the sky
Hold the Body of Christ with reverence high
Feel the power, let love never die

Let our hands be instruments of grace
Stretching out to help, to bless, to embrace
May Jesus' touch, our hands restore
To do good, to love, forever more.