Monday, March 11, 2024



In Gospel's tale of hope,
An official's plea did cope.
"Come down," he begged, his child near death,
But Jesus spoke a different breath.

"Go home, your son will live," He said,
A paradox, the man's faith fed.
Contrary paths, desires and fate,
Yet God's purpose, never too late.

In surrender, trust took hold,
As plans abandoned, miracles unfold.
God's decisions, often a mystery,
But always aimed for our victory.

When darkness shrouds and hope seems lost,
Look up to God, no matter the cost.
In despair, let faith arise,
For with God, hope never dies.

A father's hope, a son made whole,
Not by touch, but words extol.
Faith, the bridge to healing's shore,
In God's promise, forevermore.