Saturday, September 14, 2024

Exultation of the Cross


The Cross, a symbol of love divine,
Two wooden pieces, yet oh so fine.
Stained with the blood of Christ, our Lord,
A simple plank, now a holy chord.

On Calvary's hill, He bore our pain,
Died our death, and rose again.
The Throne of the Saviour, where love did shine,
Redeeming the world, one drop at a time.

In the Cross, we see God's love so true,
And the cruelty of sin, that nailed Him anew.
A Monument of Love, that tells the greatest tale,
Of sacrifice and mercy, that never fails.

Beyond the Cross, we see the glory of God,
The resurrection power, that lifts us from the sod.
No cross, no crown, the pathway to eternity,
A bridge between earth and heaven, for you and me.

By the Cross, death was conquered, sin was paid,
Satan's power defeated, heaven was displayed.
The Weapon of Victory, that gives us might,
Jesus defeated hell, and brought us to the light.

From the Cross, forgiveness flows like a stream,
Mercy and grace, that heals our deepest dream.
The curse was changed to blessing, shame to grace,
Punishment to redemption, in this holy place.

Of the Cross, we venerate, and honor its might,
The Instrument of Salvation, that shines so bright.
Not just a symbol, but the essence of our faith,
The Cross of Christ, that gives us life and hope to sway.

To the Cross, we bend our knee,
And proclaim its power, for all to see.
Hail Holy Cross, our Saviour's mighty sign,
From which we draw strength, to carry our cross in line.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Be Merciful

Be Merciful 

Be merciful, just like our Father above,
Don't judge, for we're imperfect, filled with love.
Condemn not, for we're sinful, too,
Forgive, and let love shine through.

Forgiveness heals the heart and soul,
Reconciles relationships, makes us whole.
Without it, hurt and anger will remain,
And love will be incomplete, in vain.

Give with joy, for it's in giving we receive,
A good measure, pressed down, shaken, and freed.
Like Mother Teresa, may our hearts be light,
Filled with love, and a spirit of delight.

May we choose mercy, forgiveness, and love,
And reflect God's kindness, sent from above.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rejoice in Suffering

Rejoice in Suffering 

In suffering's dark and troubled night
We find a strange and wondrous light
A chance to share in Christ's own pain
And prove our faith, like gold refined in flame

With eternal eyes, we see beyond
The temporary trials that surround
And find our joy, our strength, our might
In heaven's promise, shining like a light

God's presence sustains, His Spirit empowers
We are not alone, in darkest hours
Through Christ, we can endure and stand
And find our reward, in His outstretched hand

Like St. Paul, let our hearts declare
"I can endure all things, through Christ who's there"
And in our suffering, may we find
A joy that's rooted, in heaven's design.

Monday, September 9, 2024



Hands that wither, hands that stray
From prayer, from kindness, lose their way
Jesus commands, "Stretch out your hand"
And strength flows in, a healing plan

Holy hands, a symbol of might
Healing and helping, shining bright
Nailed to the cross, a sacrifice true
Redeeming our hands, for me and you

Clean hands, pure heart, a Psalmist's cry
Ascend the mountain, touch the sky
Hold the Body of Christ with reverence high
Feel the power, let love never die

Let our hands be instruments of grace
Stretching out to help, to bless, to embrace
May Jesus' touch, our hands restore
To do good, to love, forever more.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hearing and Speach

Hearing and Speach 

Listen before you speak, a lesson true,
Jesus heals the deaf and dumb, a message anew.
Two ears to hear, one mouth to share,
Let's use them wisely, show we care.

In a world of noise, let's learn to hear,
The voice of conscience, the Word so clear.
Let's speak with kindness, truth, and grace,
And use our words to build, not erase.

May Jesus heal our tongues, set them free,
To speak life-giving words, a blessing to see.
Let's praise and worship, use our voice to share,
The love of God, and show we care.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Horror of Hunger

Horror of Hunger

Hunger's pangs, a universal cry
For food, for love, for a gentle sigh
In fields, in temples, on highways wide
Empty bellies, hearts full of pride

From David's bread to disciples' grain
Hunger's fire burns, a driving pain
In lockdowns, in wars, in darkest night
Hunger's shadow looms, a constant fight

Mother Teresa's heart, a love so true
Feeding souls, as well as bodies anew
A hunger deeper, a void so vast
Only love and God can forever last

Let us feed, let us love, let us share
For in giving, our own hunger's repaired
And in the silence, a whisper's heard
"Our hearts are restless, until they rest in God."

Friday, September 6, 2024



The Bridegroom's presence, a joyful sight
No need to fast, when He's in our light
His absence comes, with death's dark night
Then we mourn, and fast with all our might

But now He's here, let's rejoice and feast
Celebrate the Eucharist, His love to taste
Don't fast from joy, or absent yourself too
Be close to the Bridegroom, as friend and true

Nourished by Him, in the Eucharist's delight
Feasting on love, in the marriage of light
Let's not make Him sad, with a distant heart
Be with the Bridegroom, never to depart

May our relationship, with Jesus be true
As friends of the Bridegroom, forever anew.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Peter's Boat


Simon's boat, a symbol true,
Of life's ups and downs, we go through.
From empty nets to abundant catch,
God's surprise, our humble patch.

Failure's lesson, we must face,
Generosity's reward, a sacred space.
Trust in God, obedience too,
Miracles happen, for me and you.

Humility's key, as we grow,
Pride and glory, let them go.
Sacrifice, a choice we make,
God first, all else, for His sake.

May Simon's boat, be our guide,
Through life's phases, we'll abide.
With God on board, we'll never fail,
In His love, our hearts will sail.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Demon Knows Jesus


In Nazareth, rejection's sting
But in Capernaum, acceptance's wing
Jesus faces both, with grace divine
A lesson for us, to accept life's design

With words of wisdom, He teaches us all
And with healing power, He stands tall
Almighty and Holy, His name we proclaim
Like Mary, we honor, His glory and fame

In good days and bad, we'll find our way
Through Jesus' guidance, come what may
So let us listen, reflect and obey
And acknowledge His power, every single day.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Hoping for Something

Hoping for something 

Prophet of Nazareth

Prophet of Nazareth 

In Nazareth, a prophet did stand,
Rejected by his own, with familiar hands.
They knew him as a boy, a carpenter's son,
But failed to see the Son of God, the work just begun.

Criticism and correction, hard to bear,
But necessary for growth, to show we care.
Let's not react with anger and pride,
But accept and learn, and step aside.

Like Jesus, let's move on, don't look back,
Maturity and peace, on our journey's track.
For our worth isn't measured by others' sight,
We are valuable, shining with inner light.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Clean Heart


From within, the heart's dark night
Evil thoughts emerge, a woeful sight
Defilement's source, a soul's despair
A heart unclean, beyond repair

But fear not, for there's hope in sight
Purification's gentle, loving light
Through Eucharist's sacred, holy fire
God recreates, our hearts' desire

In Communion's grace, we're made anew
Sanctified, our hearts, pure and true
And when we fall, and sin corrupts
Confession's mercy, our souls corrects

With every beat, our hearts entwine
With God's own heart, a love divine
Let us tend, our inner garden fair
And cultivate, a heart that's pure and rare

For external cleanliness, may hide the stain
But inward defilement, only love can obtain
So let us seek, the purification true
Through grace and mercy, shining bright and new.

Little things Matter


Faithfulness in little things we do,
Reveals our integrity, shines through.
God sees our hearts, our every deed,
And rewards our faithfulness in time of need.

Little things, though unseen by human eyes,
Are great things to God, who tests our sighs.
Integrity is built in everyday choices,
And fidelity is proved in humble voices.

Saints are made in little steps of faith,
And sinners too, in small rebellions' sway.
Let us be faithful in all we do,
And win God's appreciation, pure and true.

For in the end, when our lives are told,
We'll find our greatest joy in being bold,
In saying "I have done what I was meant to do",
And living an integrated life, through and through.