Saturday, August 31, 2024

Clean Heart


From within, the heart's dark night
Evil thoughts emerge, a woeful sight
Defilement's source, a soul's despair
A heart unclean, beyond repair

But fear not, for there's hope in sight
Purification's gentle, loving light
Through Eucharist's sacred, holy fire
God recreates, our hearts' desire

In Communion's grace, we're made anew
Sanctified, our hearts, pure and true
And when we fall, and sin corrupts
Confession's mercy, our souls corrects

With every beat, our hearts entwine
With God's own heart, a love divine
Let us tend, our inner garden fair
And cultivate, a heart that's pure and rare

For external cleanliness, may hide the stain
But inward defilement, only love can obtain
So let us seek, the purification true
Through grace and mercy, shining bright and new.

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