Monday, July 13, 2020

Every Christian called to part take in the mission of Christ

Every Christian called to part take in the mission of Christ

She was a successful teacher. She had comfortable and joyful days in her profession. Once as she was traveling in a train she came across a world of poor, beggars, lepers, hungry people and old people. She was struck by the cry of a old man saying “I am thirsting.” She became aware of a new call within the call. Thus she responded to the call and became part in the mission of Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I am sure that already you have guessed the person. She is none other than Mother Teresa. Perhaps we to have enough examples in our life, to tell us that we have became aware and done the mission of Christ in the various situations.
In today’s first reading we heard God called Isaiah. Isaiah became aware that he is in the presence of God and realizes his own sinfulness. He declares his readiness to serve in the mission of God.
In the Gospel we have vocational experience of Peter. Before meeting with Jesus, Peter had spent his night in the lake of Galilee without fishing. Once Jesus got into the boat, Peter saw miraculous catch of fish in day time. Peter became aware of Jesus’ mighty power and came to conscious of his sinfulness. He left everything to join Jesus’ mission.
God sent His only Son with a mission. Jesus was aware of it and fulfills it on the cross. God does not work alone but he works through people. He called prophets to continue His mission for the people of Israel. He sent His only Son Jesus to fulfill His mission. He did not stop but through His Son chose apostles and gave the mission to be carried on.
As members of our families have we sincerely played our role as a parents or elders towards the children?  As a student do I see my studies, extra-curricular activities, respect to the elders as a mission of Christ? As a youth what is my morality, my usage of time, my spirituality in continuing the mission of Christ? In my place of work do I work consciously? As a neighbour in your neighbourhood do you live to be an example that you belong to Christ’s mission?
Today Jesus is calling us to be aware in our call and thus prepare ourselves for the mission of Christ.
The Eucharist that we celebrate is nothing but the sign of Jesus’ fidelity for the mission of God. We pray that we may be aware of our responsibilities and become sign of Christ’s mission.

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