Thursday, July 25, 2024



Today we honor Joachim and Anne,
Grandparents of Jesus, a legacy to claim.
Their faith and trust in God's divine plan,
Raised Mary with love, to be the Mother of the Lamb.

Grandparents, keepers of tradition and might,
Carriers of wisdom, shining with delight.
Their stories and lessons, a treasure to share,
A link to our past, beyond compare.

Let us cherish and honor them with love,
Spend time, seek wisdom, sent from above.
Preserve family traditions, a heritage so dear,
Pray for their blessings, and wipe away each tear.

May Joachim and Anne's example inspire,
A deepening of faith, and a heart that aspires.
To honor our grandparents, a duty so true,
A celebration of love, forever shining through.

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