Friday, August 9, 2024

God Rewards

God Rewards

A day of reckoning, a time to face
The consequences of our actions, our choices, our pace
Jesus reminds us, with a gentle might
Our deeds and conduct, will shine with light

God's justice prevails, in every test
Our character and values, will be etched in our breast
Every action, every word, every intent
Recorded in the ledger, of our life's event

Let us live with mindfulness, and a heart so true
Guided by love, with compassion shining through
For in the end, it's not just punishment we face
But abundant blessings, for a life well-placed

So let us strive, to be kind and just
Forgiving and understanding, with a heart we trust
For the way we treat others, reflects our soul
And God's repayment, will make our hearts whole.

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