Friday, August 16, 2024

Little Children

Little Children 

Little ones brought to Jesus' feet,
Seeking blessings, a parent's sweet treat.
A lesson for us, to guide them with care,
And bring them to Jesus, with love to share.

For spiritual growth, they need His grace,
To flourish in faith, and find their place.
Like the apostles, let us not hinder their way,
But bridge the gap, come what may.

Let us not cause scandals, or lead astray,
But teach the young, come Sunday's day.
For if we fail, we'll answer to the call,
Of a generation, lost, without His all.

So let us welcome, with open arms,
The little ones, and keep them from harm.
And bring them to Jesus, with love so true,
For theirs is the kingdom, forever anew.

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