Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Universal Love

Universal Love

In Tyre and Sidon, Jesus walked the shore,
Escaping persecution, seeking more,
A place to train His Apostles, and share,
The universal love, that's beyond compare.

A Gentile woman, with faith so strong,
Cried out for mercy, and didn't go wrong,
Jesus healed her daughter, with a loving hand,
Showing God's mercy, to all lands.

Let's persist in prayer, with trustful heart,
And pull down walls, that set us apart,
For God's love is universal, and true,
Extended to all, who call on Him anew.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Ascend the mountain, encounter God's grace
Transformed by love, we find our sacred space
But we can't stay, we must descend to the plain
And face life's challenges, with love that remains

Transfiguration's glory, a glimpse of what's to be
Disfiguration's horror, a reality we see
In suffering, war, and pain, humanity's scarred
Let's seek eternal glory, and love that's unmarred

Temporary joys, can blind us to what's true
Eternal happiness, comes from God, shining through
Let's not pitch our tents, in fleeting delight
But seek the eternal, where love shines so bright.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Joy in Sharing

Joy in Sharing 

Five bread and two fish, a humble share
Jesus multiplied, with love and care
A lesson of sharing, for all to see
Even small acts, can set humanity free

The apostles learned, that day and night
Sharing with love, brings pure delight
Not the size of the gift, but the heart's intent
Joy in sharing, is a love that's bent

Twelve baskets full, of bread left behind
A reward for sharing, a love so divine
Let us give generously, with open hands
And find joy in sharing, in this promised land

For when we share, we don't become poor
But richer in love, forever more.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Trust in God

Trust In God

In desert sands, a test of faith did stand,
Israelites grumbled, forgot God's mighty hand.
Their unfaithfulness, a stark contrast to see,
Against God's faithfulness, a love that's meant to be.

Despite their doubts, He showed mercy so grand,
Manna from heaven, a miracle to expand.
His goodness unchanged, by human evil deeds,
A faithful God, who meets our deepest needs.

Let us recall, His blessings so divine,
And trust Him still, when struggles entwine.
For He who parted seas, and brought forth bread,
Can turn our hardships, into miracles unsaid.

Palace and the Prison

Palace and the Prison

A palace of darkness, a prison of light
A birthday celebration, a tragic night
Herod's desire, a prophet's demise
A dance of deceit, a bloody surprise

The palace rejoiced, the prison mourned
A life was taken, a soul was torn
The floor ran red, with innocent blood
A guilt-ridden gift, a heart of mud

A mother's desire, a daughter's sway
A lesson of revenge, a deadly way
Where do we stand, in this tragic tale?
With the righteous few, or the guilty frail?

Let us choose wisely, let us choose well
For in the end, our choices will tell
Whether we'll stand, in the palace of light
Or fall in the darkness, of endless night.

Thursday, August 1, 2024



In Nazareth, Jesus faced rejection's pain,
From those who knew Him, yet failed to gain,
Inspiration from His words so divine,
Admiration alone, left their hearts entwined.

They saw His humanity, but not His might,
Failed to experience His divine light,
Knowledge of Jesus, is not enough, we find,
A heart full of experience, is what we must design.

Let us not offend, but appreciate and see,
The divinity in Jesus, and humanity,
For in His words and deeds, we find our way,
To a heart full of experience, night and day.



At the end of ages, a judgment day,
Angels will separate, come what may,
Righteous from evil, a final stand,
Before God, the Just Judge, hand in hand.

No favoritism, only sincerity,
Our deeds recorded, for eternity,
Good or bad, we must give an account,
Our future destiny, forever bound.

God wishes our good, His love so true,
Mercy and chances, for me and you,
Conversion's call, while still alive,
No regrets, no repentance, when we thrive.

No compromise, no bargain, on that day,
Be good, do good, come what may,
For if we end up, in eternal night,
It's not God's wish, but our own plight.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Treasure and Pearl

Treasure and Pearl 

Treasure and Pearl, divine gifts so rare,
Eucharist and Bible, beyond compare.
In the Eucharist, Jesus' presence we share,
Nourished and strengthened, with love beyond measure.

The Bible, God's Word, a lamp to our feet,
Guiding us to heaven, where love and joy meet.
Comfort in sorrow, strength in weakness we find,
Hope in despair, through its sacred pages entwined.

Let us cherish these gifts, hold them tight,
And never let Satan steal their radiant light.
For in Treasure and Pearl, our souls take flight,
In God's love and mercy, shining so bright.

Seek God's Help

Seek God's Help

In fields of faith where doubts may weave,
The disciples sought what truth might cleave.
Jesus spoke in parables so clear,
Yet to grasp the meaning, they drew near.

When life's trials seem a tangled thread,
And questions linger in our head,
Approach the Lord with hearts sincere,
And ask Him why, with trust and fear.

For in His wisdom, answers lie,
To lift our spirits, clarify.
Embrace the guidance He imparts,
And see His light within our hearts.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Bethany Friends

Bethany Friends 

In Bethany's village, love did abide,
A home for Jesus, where hearts could reside,
Martha's hospitality, a warm embrace,
Mary's devotion, a listening space.

Lazarus, a friend, in tragedy's night,
Jesus wept for him, with a loving light,
Delayed but not absent, His power did unfold,
Raising Lazarus, young life to behold.

Martha teaches us, to serve with zeal,
Mary, to listen, and hearts to reveal,
Lazarus shows us, God's impossible might,
Jesus' friendship, shining through the night.

In Bethany's home, love was made known,
A bond between friends, forever sown,
May we learn from them, to love and adore,
Jesus, our friend, forevermore.

Saturday, July 27, 2024



A boy with a heart so true,
Offered his lunch to Jesus too,
Five bread and two fish, a humble share,
Became a feast, beyond compare.

His presence in the crowd, a wonder to see,
A young heart drawn to Jesus' decree,
No one excluded, all welcome to stay,
The boy's fascination, leads the way.

His giving attitude, a lesson to us all,
Selflessness makes miracles stand tall,
Twelve baskets full, a wonder to behold,
The boy's amazement, a story to be told.

Jesus' generosity, a gift to receive,
The boy's kindness, a treasure to retrieve,
For those who give, will also receive,
A blessing from God, a heart that believes.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Wheat and Weeds

Wheat and Weeds

In God's field, we grow and thrive
Wheat of goodness, sown by His hand
But weeds of evil, the Devil does strive
To choke the good, with sinful plans

Let us nurture the wheat with care
Eucharist and Scripture, our spiritual fare
Fortify our hearts with prayer's strong fence
Lest evil enter, with malicious intent

Like God, let us sow joy, love, and peace
Not hatred, discord, or painful release
For evil's end is destruction and fire
While goodness grows, and never tires

God is patient, merciful, and kind
Giving chances, for hearts to unwind
He preserves the wheat, and eliminates the weed
In His field, our souls are freed.

Thursday, July 25, 2024



Today we honor Joachim and Anne,
Grandparents of Jesus, a legacy to claim.
Their faith and trust in God's divine plan,
Raised Mary with love, to be the Mother of the Lamb.

Grandparents, keepers of tradition and might,
Carriers of wisdom, shining with delight.
Their stories and lessons, a treasure to share,
A link to our past, beyond compare.

Let us cherish and honor them with love,
Spend time, seek wisdom, sent from above.
Preserve family traditions, a heritage so dear,
Pray for their blessings, and wipe away each tear.

May Joachim and Anne's example inspire,
A deepening of faith, and a heart that aspires.
To honor our grandparents, a duty so true,
A celebration of love, forever shining through.