Tuesday, August 18, 2020






This psalm is placed in the Book II. It is a psalm of praise. Why should we praise our God? Because He has proved He is King over all. He subdued nations before Israel when they conquered the promise land, showing that He could depose any earthly king whenever He desired. The psalm begins with two verses encouraging us to shout for joy and applaud our awesome King. To emphasize His greatness, the poet uses the name “Elyown, YHWH,” normally translated as “Most High God.”



This psalm speaks about celebration of some memorable victory over Assyria or victory over enemies.



The title in the Hebrew is, To the leader. Of the Korahites. A Psalm for the Sons of Korah. We cannot agree with the authorship of sons of Korah on this Psalm; it indicates of being attributed to David. The Sons of Korah sang these Psalms, but they did not write them.



It is possible that the historical context of this psalm was victory in war which they attributed to Yahweh. The Israelite's had the tradition that Yahweh had fought their battles for them.
Sennacherib was the king of Assyria and during his reign Assyria was a strong country, and an enemy of Jerusalem. Assyria attacked Jerusalem in 701 BC. But God protected the city.
That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp and Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. (2 Kings 19:34-36)


Structural Division:

This psalm is divided into three parts.

(1)  Ps47:1-4 Praise of Yahweh as Elyon (God Most High):

The Psalmist gives the command to praise God. This is a command not only for the people of Israel or followers of the Lord, it is a command to all the people. The reason for praise is: He is the Lord Most high and awesome God. He is a great king over all the earth. He has special care for His chosen people.


(2)  Ps 47:5-7 Enthronement of Yahweh:

The Israelites celebrate Yahweh’s enthronement and coronation as the king of all the nations and people of the world. The “going up” here refers to ascending to a royal throne. The great King has taken His throne and therefore receives a shout of praise. Praise with trumpet sound. In the world of ancient Israel, the trumpet made the strong and clearest sound. It was the sound of victory. To honor God clearly and strongly for His victory.


(3)  Ps 47: 8-9 Tribute to Yahweh on earth :

The Psalmist in this section is inviting people to sing praise to God, who is the universal ruler of the world.  He reigns over the nation and moves history towards His desired destination. In the mind of the Psalmist, the leaders of God's people gather, to both receive and exalt the King of all the earth.



Sing praises with understanding: praise is appropriately offered with singing and should also be made with understanding. God wants our worship to be with attention and not mindless. It is not only worshiping God but we should worship Him with all our being including our mind.


The psalm concludes with reminding us that all the kings and nobles of the earth belong to God. Our God is an awesome God and King. Therefore, let us lift Him up with songs of praises.



v Carsin, D.A., France, R T., Montyer, J.A. and Wenham, G.J eds, New Bible Commentary. Secunderabad: OM Books, 2002. 

v McCann, J. Clinton. “Psalm.”  The New Interpreter’s Bible. Vol. 4. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

v Weiser, Artur. The Psalms. London: SCM Press Ltd, 1986.





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