Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Great Commission

In the grand tale of faith, simple and true,
Mark's gospel echoes, clear and through.
Eleven sent forth to lands far and wide,
Their mission daunting, with no place to hide.

"How can they go," some may ask,
To every corner, every task?
Yet like the loaves and fishes multiplied,
God's power in them cannot be denied.

It's not in numbers, but in divine grace,
That each apostle finds their place.
For in feeding thousands with just a few,
God's work is shown, forever anew.

The Church now carries this sacred flame,
Continuing the mission in Christ's name.
Four factors guide this commission's way,
From the sender to the whole world's sway.

The Sender, risen Lord above,
Calls forth apostles with endless love.
The Sent, apostles brave and bold,
Spread the Gospel, as they were told.

The Receiver, all creation wide,
Welcomes the message, far and wide.
No borders, no limits, to this call,
The Gospel's gift embraces all.

So let us heed this timeless call,
To share God's love, one and all.
For in simplicity, our purpose rings true,
To preach the Gospel, in all we do.

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