Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Remember Lord


Remember Lord

In paths of grace, I find my way,

Your mercy, Lord, a guiding ray.

In truth, I walk, in love, I stay,

For You, my Savior, light my day.

Throughout my journey, long and wide,

In Your goodness, I confide.

Mercy echoes, a soothing tide,

Forgiveness in Your love resides.

Hope in You, a constant song,

All day, in You, I belong.

Mercy's memory, firm and strong,

In Your love, I am lifelong.

You, Lord, in goodness, always near,

Wiping away the stains of fear.

In humility, Your path is clear,

Teaching the poor, drawing them near.

Remember your mercy, Lord,

A refrain, in heart and word.

In Your love, my soul's restored,

Guided by grace, forever adored.

                                                             ðŸ–‰ Kiru Carmel

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