Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Mercy of God 

In fiery trials, Azariah prayed,

Humbled, he sought God's mercy displayed.

For your name's sake, O Lord, his plea,

Keep your covenant, in trust, let us be.

Mercy for Abraham, Isaac, Israel's line,

Offspring promised, a love divine.

Sins brought low a nation in despair,

No prince, no prophet, offerings rare.

Contrite hearts seek to repent,

No grand sacrifices, just humble intent.

Wholehearted followers, trust in thee,

No shame for those in faith to agree.

With fear and prayers, voices rise,

Kindness and mercy, their heartfelt cries.

O Lord, in wonders, deliver profound,

Let glory be yours, let your name resound.

                                                                      ✎ Kiru Carmel

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