Thursday, April 4, 2024

Jesus Proves

Jesus  Proves

In a room, with hearts unsure,
The apostles gathered, their faith obscure.
Though three years with Jesus, they'd spent,
His resurrection, they couldn't comprehend.

Fear and doubt filled their gaze,
Seeing Jesus, their minds in a haze.
They thought Him a ghost, a fleeting sight,
Yet He stood before them, bringing light.

At the physical level, He showed His hands,
His feet, His wounds, where love expands.
He ate with them, His presence real,
Proving His resurrection's seal.

But deeper still, at the mental plane,
He explained Scripture's prophetic gain.
His death, His rising, all foretold,
For humanity's salvation, as of old.

Not an earthly king, but eternal reign,
His purpose clear, through Scripture's train.
The Word of God, forever true,
Enlightening minds, making hearts anew.

So simple folk, in doubt's embrace,
Seek the truth, find God's grace.
In Scripture's pages, His love unfurled,
Guiding souls to a brighter world.

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