Monday, July 8, 2024

Appreciation and criticism

 Appreciation and criticism

Appreciation and criticism, two paths we face,
In life's journey, where praise and blame entwine in a race.
Like Jesus, we'll encounter both, a test of our faith,
To stay humble, grounded, and steadfast in our ways.

Appreciation uplifts, boosts our confidence high,
Motivating us to strive, with a heart full of sigh.
Yet, we must not seek it, nor let it inflate our pride,
Instead, give thanks to God, with a humble heart inside.

Criticism, too, can be a gift, a chance to grow,
To learn from mistakes, and rise above the flow.
With an open mind, we can embrace it, and make it our friend,
And turn it into stepping stones, that lead us to ascend.

May we learn to accept both, with grace and poise,
And in all we do, seek God's glory, not our own noise

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