Sunday, July 7, 2024

Faith and Miracle

Faith and Miracle
Faith and Miracle

In faith, two souls stood tall and bright,
A father's hope, a woman's gentle might.
Against all odds, they placed their trust,
In Jesus' power, their hearts were a must.

The official's plea, a desperate cry,
"Save my child, oh Lord, before I die."
The woman's touch, a humble claim,
"Heal me, Lord, with just a thread of your name."

Their faith, a flame that burned so true,
Moved mountains, and miracles shone through.
May their examples guide us on our way,
To strengthen our faith, come what may.

For when our faith meets divine grace,
Miracles unfold, a wondrous embrace.
Let us draw strength from these biblical lights,
And trust in Jesus, with all our might.

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