Monday, August 19, 2024

Dinal Destiny

Fnal Destiny

Wealth's fleeting charm, a temporary hold
Can't buy our way, to a heavenly gold
Character and love, our true destiny shape
Not riches or gold, but a heart that escapes

The rich man's mistake, a lesson to share
Attachment to wealth, left him with nothing to spare
Lazarus' faith, a humble heart did bear
A treasure in heaven, beyond compare

St. Francis' example, a path to emulate
Detachment and love, a true Christian state
Love God and neighbor, a command to fulfill
A heart of generosity, our true wealth to build

Let's reflect on our ways, and ask with sincerity
Are we using our gifts, to set humanity free?
May love and detachment, guide us on our way
To a treasure in heaven, that never fades away.

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