Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Never Ending

Never Ending

Greed's insatiable thirst, a never-ending sea
Desiring more, yet never satisfied, we see
Contentment's peace, lost in the haze
Chasing more, in endless daze

Jealousy's dark shadow, corrodes the heart
Comparing lives, a toxic art
Counting others' blessings, instead of our own
Blinding us to the good, that's already sown

Let's learn to appreciate, who we are
Embracing our uniqueness, like a shining star
Praising God for what we have, not what we lack
Finding peace in contentment, no need to look back

May our hearts be filled, with gratitude and cheer
Focusing on our own path, without a jealous tear
For in the end, it's not what we have that matters most
But the love and joy we share, that forever boasts.

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