Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Fraternal Correction

Fraternal Correction 

A brother's fault, a gentle hand
Correction offered, with love to stand
Not judgment or condemnation's might
But guidance and care, to bring new light

In private, we speak, with kindness true
Avoiding gossip, and harm anew
No public shame, or hurtful pride
But a calm and open heart, side by side

Timing is key, when emotions subside
A gentle approach, with understanding's tide
Solutions offered, with a helping hand
Not just fault-finding, but a loving stand

Humility's cloak, we must wear with care
Recognizing our own faults, we must share
No righteousness, or holier-than-thou
But a brother's love, that seeks to renew

May our corrections, be motivated by love
A desire to help, sent from above
May we offer guidance, with a gentle tone
And help each other, to grow and be known.

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