Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mary and Heaven

Mary and Heaven

Mary, a vessel of heaven's grace
Contained the King, in her sacred space
Her "yes" brought heaven to earth below
Uniting divine and human, in a love that glows

Now heaven embraces her, body and soul
The Assumption's mystery, makes her whole
United with her Son, in glory and light
A crowning point, to her life's pure delight

Her journey of faith, a path we're called to roam
Fixing our gaze, on heaven, our eternal home
Mary's reward, a promise to us all
Faithful obedience, leads to heaven's hall

Her purity and humility, inspire us to strive
For holiness and surrender, to God's will alive
Mary, our guide, to heaven's gate
Showing us the way, to our eternal state.

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