Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Queen of Heaven

Queen of Heaven

Mary, Queen of Heaven's throne,
Assumed and crowned, now reigns alone,
With virtues holy, she adorns her soul,
A queen of heaven, in glory whole.

On earth, she lived as humble servant true,
Now pours down blessings, with love anew,
In rosary prayers, we hail her name,
"Holy Queen" we say, with reverence and fame.

In Easter's joy, we pray to her as well,
"Queen of Heaven", her story to tell,
Of sufferings shared, and glory gained,
A cross to bear, a crown to obtain.

In litany's call, she's queen of all,
Angels, saints, and families, one and all,
On earth, we honor her, our queen and mother dear,
Who reigns in heaven, and sheds tears.

With influence over the King's throne,
She opens treasures, for us to atone,
Oh, privileged sinners, to have her as our guide,
A mother on earth, a queen in heaven's tide.

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