Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Great Commission

In the grand tale of faith, simple and true,
Mark's gospel echoes, clear and through.
Eleven sent forth to lands far and wide,
Their mission daunting, with no place to hide.

"How can they go," some may ask,
To every corner, every task?
Yet like the loaves and fishes multiplied,
God's power in them cannot be denied.

It's not in numbers, but in divine grace,
That each apostle finds their place.
For in feeding thousands with just a few,
God's work is shown, forever anew.

The Church now carries this sacred flame,
Continuing the mission in Christ's name.
Four factors guide this commission's way,
From the sender to the whole world's sway.

The Sender, risen Lord above,
Calls forth apostles with endless love.
The Sent, apostles brave and bold,
Spread the Gospel, as they were told.

The Receiver, all creation wide,
Welcomes the message, far and wide.
No borders, no limits, to this call,
The Gospel's gift embraces all.

So let us heed this timeless call,
To share God's love, one and all.
For in simplicity, our purpose rings true,
To preach the Gospel, in all we do.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Jesus Proves

Jesus  Proves

In a room, with hearts unsure,
The apostles gathered, their faith obscure.
Though three years with Jesus, they'd spent,
His resurrection, they couldn't comprehend.

Fear and doubt filled their gaze,
Seeing Jesus, their minds in a haze.
They thought Him a ghost, a fleeting sight,
Yet He stood before them, bringing light.

At the physical level, He showed His hands,
His feet, His wounds, where love expands.
He ate with them, His presence real,
Proving His resurrection's seal.

But deeper still, at the mental plane,
He explained Scripture's prophetic gain.
His death, His rising, all foretold,
For humanity's salvation, as of old.

Not an earthly king, but eternal reign,
His purpose clear, through Scripture's train.
The Word of God, forever true,
Enlightening minds, making hearts anew.

So simple folk, in doubt's embrace,
Seek the truth, find God's grace.
In Scripture's pages, His love unfurled,
Guiding souls to a brighter world.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

From the Tree of Victory

From tree to victory's embrace,
Jesus endured the cross with grace.
Resurrection, history's trace,
His triumph, our saving space.

Mystery profound, our faith's ground,
In Christ's rising, our hope's found.
Living God, in Him we're bound,
His love in every sight and sound.

Death's grip shattered, sin's power ceased,
Satan's defeat, hell's terror released.
In victory, Christ's glory increased,
Love's story, eternally pieced.

From Friday's cross to Sunday's light,
Through agony, emerged His might.
In His glory, our future bright,
Simple souls find in Him their sight.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Mixture of Life


Mixture of Life

In humble paths, the donkey trod,

Carrying Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Hosannas sung, with branches high,

A scene of triumph beneath the sky.

But in the depths of agony's grasp,

Jesus bore the weight, His love to clasp.

From palms to passion, the journey unfolds,

From glory's tale to the story it molds.

In the first, sunlight kissed the day,

In the second, shadows held sway.

From garments spread to garments torn,

In life's contrast, a lesson born.

For life, a tapestry of joy and woe,

Where both Palm Sundays and Good Fridays show.

From the entry to the exit, the tale unfurls,

A symphony of sorrow, a dance of pearls.

So let this Holy Week, with its sacred call,

Transform our hearts, make us stand tall.

From sinners to saints, let us aspire,

To embrace both the palm and the pyre.

Monday, March 11, 2024



In Gospel's tale of hope,
An official's plea did cope.
"Come down," he begged, his child near death,
But Jesus spoke a different breath.

"Go home, your son will live," He said,
A paradox, the man's faith fed.
Contrary paths, desires and fate,
Yet God's purpose, never too late.

In surrender, trust took hold,
As plans abandoned, miracles unfold.
God's decisions, often a mystery,
But always aimed for our victory.

When darkness shrouds and hope seems lost,
Look up to God, no matter the cost.
In despair, let faith arise,
For with God, hope never dies.

A father's hope, a son made whole,
Not by touch, but words extol.
Faith, the bridge to healing's shore,
In God's promise, forevermore.