Tuesday, March 5, 2024

How many times should I forgive??


How Many Times Should I Forgive??

In realms where grace and mercy blend,

A tale of forgiveness, where hearts transcend.

No maths within forgiveness, divine decree,

As Peter inquired, how many times to set free?

Seventy times seven, Jesus declared,

A boundless grace, a love boldly shared.

No ledger tallies, no counting of wrongs,

For love's pure essence, in forgiveness belongs.

A gift bestowed, a grace divine,

Forgiveness is a treasure that does entwine.

In the teachings of Christ, a demanding call,

To forgive as we're forgiven, an echo for all.

God's mercy, an endless, boundless sea,

Forgiving us, His love flowing free.

Imagine if limits on forgiveness were set,

A finite grace, a quota to be met.

Pope Francis echoes, "God's tireless grace,

We tire in seeking, in our remorseful chase."

In confession's realm, we seek God's embrace,

Yet outside its walls, do we mirror that grace?

A paradox unfolds in forgiveness's tale,

God's immense debt was erased, ours seeming frail.

Confession, a two-part sacred dance,

Receiving and imparting, love's true expanse.

Confession's echo, in Matthew's plea,

Forgive from the heart, set your brother free.

Two parts entwined, like a sacred art,

To receive and give, a connected heart.

Logic prevails in forgiveness's domain,

Seeking mercy for self, yet harbouring disdain?

Let forgiveness flow, in a harmonious accord,

In love's grand logic, be forgiven, be restored.

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