Saturday, July 27, 2024



A boy with a heart so true,
Offered his lunch to Jesus too,
Five bread and two fish, a humble share,
Became a feast, beyond compare.

His presence in the crowd, a wonder to see,
A young heart drawn to Jesus' decree,
No one excluded, all welcome to stay,
The boy's fascination, leads the way.

His giving attitude, a lesson to us all,
Selflessness makes miracles stand tall,
Twelve baskets full, a wonder to behold,
The boy's amazement, a story to be told.

Jesus' generosity, a gift to receive,
The boy's kindness, a treasure to retrieve,
For those who give, will also receive,
A blessing from God, a heart that believes.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Wheat and Weeds

Wheat and Weeds

In God's field, we grow and thrive
Wheat of goodness, sown by His hand
But weeds of evil, the Devil does strive
To choke the good, with sinful plans

Let us nurture the wheat with care
Eucharist and Scripture, our spiritual fare
Fortify our hearts with prayer's strong fence
Lest evil enter, with malicious intent

Like God, let us sow joy, love, and peace
Not hatred, discord, or painful release
For evil's end is destruction and fire
While goodness grows, and never tires

God is patient, merciful, and kind
Giving chances, for hearts to unwind
He preserves the wheat, and eliminates the weed
In His field, our souls are freed.

Thursday, July 25, 2024



Today we honor Joachim and Anne,
Grandparents of Jesus, a legacy to claim.
Their faith and trust in God's divine plan,
Raised Mary with love, to be the Mother of the Lamb.

Grandparents, keepers of tradition and might,
Carriers of wisdom, shining with delight.
Their stories and lessons, a treasure to share,
A link to our past, beyond compare.

Let us cherish and honor them with love,
Spend time, seek wisdom, sent from above.
Preserve family traditions, a heritage so dear,
Pray for their blessings, and wipe away each tear.

May Joachim and Anne's example inspire,
A deepening of faith, and a heart that aspires.
To honor our grandparents, a duty so true,
A celebration of love, forever shining through.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Roots and Fruits

Roots and Fruits 

A seed falls on the ground,
A symbol of God's Word unbound.
It withers away, no roots to hold,
If hearts are hard, and minds grow cold.

But when received with receptive soil,
It takes root deep, and makes us whole.
It informs and transforms, a dual grace,
Helping us grow in a holy place.

Fruitfulness depends on the heart's condition,
Not just the sowing, but the reception's vision.
Let's read, meditate, and apply with care,
For roots of faith must grow, to bear fruit to share.

No roots, no fruits, a truth so plain,
May our hearts be soil, where God's Word reigns.

Monday, July 22, 2024

God's Family

Gods House

In God's embrace, we find our home
Where love and acceptance are forever known
A family bound by heart and soul
Together we'll journey, young and old

With Jesus as our brother and friend
We'll share a bond that will never end
A bond of love, a bond of grace
A family tie that time and space won't erase.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene

Once bound by darkness and demons' might,
Mary Magdalene found Christ's saving light.
He freed her from chains that once did bind,
And turned her sorrow into joy of mind.

With loyalty and love, she stood by His side,
Through cross and tomb, where others might divide.
First witness of resurrection's glorious sight,
She shared the news, banishing endless night.

Transformed from darkness to discipleship true,
Mary Magdalene's story shines, a testament anew.
No one's beyond God's grace, no matter how far gone,
For in His love, even the darkest soul can be made anew, and strong.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sweet Home

Sweet Home

"The home that was once full of life and laughter
Now feels empty and hollow
The warmth of the hearth has faded
And the love that once dwelled here has grown cold

The family that was once united
Now feels distant and divided
The bonds that once held us together
Have weakened and are slowly unraveling

The home that was once a sanctuary
Now feels like a prison cell
The love and laughter that once filled the air
Have been replaced with tears and sorrow

Let us return to those days of old
When love and laughter filled our home
Let us rediscover the joy of family
And the love that once made our hearts feel whole

Let us learn to appreciate the value of relationships
And the beauty of love and laughter
Let us put aside our differences and come together
And let our hearts be filled with joy and happiness once again."

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Intelligent Vs Infant

Intelligent vs Infant 

In humble hearts, God's secrets unfold,
To infants, pure, and childlike bold.
Not to the proud, who think they know,
But to the simple, who humbly grow.

Knowledge may puff up, but love humbles down,
Experience of God, is what truly crowns.
Intellect alone, cannot grasp the divine,
But a willing heart, open and receptive, is mine.

Pride makes us full, but humility makes space,
For God's revelation, and His loving embrace.
Let us humble ourselves, with childlike grace,
And experience God's divinity, in a warm and loving place.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Mother of Carmel

 Mother of Carmel


Oh, Mary, Queen of Carmel's height,
Star of the Sea, shining so bright.
In your interior life, we find our way,
To a heart fully devoted to God's sway.

With every breath, we'll follow you deep,
Into the sanctuary of your soul, where love does keep.
You, the flawless flower, the fruitful vine,
Our Mother, Helper, and guiding light divine.

Assist us in our need, O Immaculate One,
And show us your power, before the day is done.
We place our trust in you, O Mother so dear,
And know that with you, our prayers will soon appear

To follow Christ

 To follow Christ


To follow Christ, a path we must choose,
With conditions that guide us, to discipleship we muse.

First, love Him above all else, a love so true,
God takes the first place, in all we do.

Next, take up your cross, and follow Him with might,
For Christ and cross are inseparable, in sight.

Lastly, lose your life for Christ, a sacrifice so grand,
And find it again, in His loving hand.

For what we give up, is little compared to what we gain,
In heaven's abundance, our sacrifices will remain.

Let us remember, following Christ is not just a call,
But a commitment to love, to carry the cross, and to give our al

Monday, July 8, 2024

Appreciation and criticism

 Appreciation and criticism

Appreciation and criticism, two paths we face,
In life's journey, where praise and blame entwine in a race.
Like Jesus, we'll encounter both, a test of our faith,
To stay humble, grounded, and steadfast in our ways.

Appreciation uplifts, boosts our confidence high,
Motivating us to strive, with a heart full of sigh.
Yet, we must not seek it, nor let it inflate our pride,
Instead, give thanks to God, with a humble heart inside.

Criticism, too, can be a gift, a chance to grow,
To learn from mistakes, and rise above the flow.
With an open mind, we can embrace it, and make it our friend,
And turn it into stepping stones, that lead us to ascend.

May we learn to accept both, with grace and poise,
And in all we do, seek God's glory, not our own noise

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Faith and Miracle

Faith and Miracle
Faith and Miracle

In faith, two souls stood tall and bright,
A father's hope, a woman's gentle might.
Against all odds, they placed their trust,
In Jesus' power, their hearts were a must.

The official's plea, a desperate cry,
"Save my child, oh Lord, before I die."
The woman's touch, a humble claim,
"Heal me, Lord, with just a thread of your name."

Their faith, a flame that burned so true,
Moved mountains, and miracles shone through.
May their examples guide us on our way,
To strengthen our faith, come what may.

For when our faith meets divine grace,
Miracles unfold, a wondrous embrace.
Let us draw strength from these biblical lights,
And trust in Jesus, with all our might.

Hometown Reverie

 Hometown Reverie

In Nazareth, where dreams began,
He walked the roads, a humble man.
With hope and love, His heart did swell,
Returning home, where memories dwell.

He taught with wisdom, pure and bright,
In the synagogue, a guiding light.
Yet disbelief clouded their eyes,
Turning joy to sad surprise.

The healer's hands, so often sought,
In His own town, were all for naught.
Not a failure, but a test,
For even heroes find unrest.

Admiration must inspire,
To lift our spirits, set them higher.
From wonder, let our faith arise,
See the truth beyond disguise.

In our hearts, let Jesus reign,
Turning sorrow into gain.
For in His grace, we're never zero,
With Him, our everlasting Hero.