Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Naked before GOD

Naked before GOD

Before God, we stand, with no disguise,
Our souls laid bare, with no surprise,
No garments, no masks, can hide our shame,
He sees the heart, and knows our true name.

Whitewashed tombs, with beauty to behold,
Conceal the rot, of a heart grown cold,
Lips that glow, with cherry red deceit,
Eyes that behold, with secrets to keep.

Garments of pride, and vestments of gold,
Cannot conceal, the heart that's grown old,
For God looks deep, beyond the outward show,
And sees the truth, that only He can know.

Let us not pretend, with false display,
For beauty fades, and holiness stays,
Let us be true, with hearts of integrity,
And remember, God sees our true identity.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Righteous Spirit of Law

Righteous Spirit of Law

With righteous zeal, Jesus speaks His mind,
Denouncing hypocrisy, a heart left behind,
The Pharisees' flaw, a outward show,
Concealing greed, self-indulgence's woe.

Justice, Mercy, Faith, the triad true,
More important than tithes, or rituals anew,
Almsgiving without justice, mere display,
Prayers without faith, a hollow way.

Forgiveness and love, the heart's pure gold,
Religion without mercy, grows cold,
Clean the outside, but inside purify,
For Jesus sees the heart, with piercing eye.

Let us bathe our souls, in His holy light,
And cleanse our hearts, from the dark of night,
For outward show, will not suffice,
Only a pure heart, brings true paradise.

Monday, August 26, 2024

St. Jacinta Chapel at Goa Jacinto Iceland

Sao Jacinto Chapel 

Hypocrites and Blind

Hpocrites and Blind Guide

With stern words, Jesus denounced the few,
Hypocrites and blind guides, their hearts untrue,
Their words and deeds, a mismatched pair,
Condemned by Jesus, with no mercy to spare.

He sought not to condemn, but to set free,
From sin and pride, a path to humility,
Nicodemus, a Pharisee, believed and sought,
Jesus' mercy and guidance, his heart was caught.

Let us reflect on our own lives and ways,
Do our words match our deeds, or do we stray?
May we walk the walk, and not just talk,
Lest we be blind guides, and our hearts turn to chalk.

For Jesus condemns sin, not the sinner true,
Seek mercy and honesty, and see His love shine through.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Words of Eternal Life

Words of Eternal Life

In fleeting life, with brokenness and strife
We search for hope, a guiding light in life
Peter's words echo, a heartfelt cry
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words to live by"

In stress and fear, in comfort and in might
Your words, O Lord, shine like a beacon in the night
Peace, strength, and hope, in every troubled sea
Your promises, a refuge for you and me

When insecure, scared, lonely, or weak
Your words, a balm, our souls to seek
In sin and hopelessness, Your mercy shines
A love abounding, forever divine

These words, a lamp, for our earthly way
A light to guide us, come what may
And in eternity, they'll be our delight
Words of Eternal Life, shining with all Your might.

Avila Jyothi Seminary Chapel, Mapusa Goa

Carmelite Monastery Margao, Goa

Friday, August 23, 2024

Carmelite Monastery, Margao Goa



Prejudice, a fog that obscures our sight
Blinding us to truth, and worth in plain light
Nathanael's doubt, a lesson to us all
To put aside bias, and hear the heart's call

Like Nathanael, we judge with hasty eyes
But Jesus shows us, a different surprise
He sees beyond, to the heart's core
And finds the good, we've ignored before

Let's lay aside, our preconceived might
And see the beauty, in morning light
For every soul, is a unique design
Deserving respect, and a loving mind

Like Jesus, let's seek, the good in each face
And bring out the best, in every time and place
Throw off the glasses, of prejudice and fear
And see the world, with love and clarity clear.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Love of God and Love of Neighbor

Love of God and Love of Neighbor 

With heart, soul, mind, and strength, we adore
The Lord our God, forevermore
And as we love Him with all our might
We're called to love our neighbor in sight

For love of God and love of neighbor blend
Inseparable, a true Christian's trend
Caring for the poor, the vulnerable too
Reflecting God's love, in all we do

Christ's selfless love, a guiding light
Impels us to live, for Him alone tonight
May our love shine bright, a beacon true
Inspired by Christ, forever anew.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Queen of Heaven

Queen of Heaven

Mary, Queen of Heaven's throne,
Assumed and crowned, now reigns alone,
With virtues holy, she adorns her soul,
A queen of heaven, in glory whole.

On earth, she lived as humble servant true,
Now pours down blessings, with love anew,
In rosary prayers, we hail her name,
"Holy Queen" we say, with reverence and fame.

In Easter's joy, we pray to her as well,
"Queen of Heaven", her story to tell,
Of sufferings shared, and glory gained,
A cross to bear, a crown to obtain.

In litany's call, she's queen of all,
Angels, saints, and families, one and all,
On earth, we honor her, our queen and mother dear,
Who reigns in heaven, and sheds tears.

With influence over the King's throne,
She opens treasures, for us to atone,
Oh, privileged sinners, to have her as our guide,
A mother on earth, a queen in heaven's tide.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Never Ending

Never Ending

Greed's insatiable thirst, a never-ending sea
Desiring more, yet never satisfied, we see
Contentment's peace, lost in the haze
Chasing more, in endless daze

Jealousy's dark shadow, corrodes the heart
Comparing lives, a toxic art
Counting others' blessings, instead of our own
Blinding us to the good, that's already sown

Let's learn to appreciate, who we are
Embracing our uniqueness, like a shining star
Praising God for what we have, not what we lack
Finding peace in contentment, no need to look back

May our hearts be filled, with gratitude and cheer
Focusing on our own path, without a jealous tear
For in the end, it's not what we have that matters most
But the love and joy we share, that forever boasts.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Dinal Destiny

Fnal Destiny

Wealth's fleeting charm, a temporary hold
Can't buy our way, to a heavenly gold
Character and love, our true destiny shape
Not riches or gold, but a heart that escapes

The rich man's mistake, a lesson to share
Attachment to wealth, left him with nothing to spare
Lazarus' faith, a humble heart did bear
A treasure in heaven, beyond compare

St. Francis' example, a path to emulate
Detachment and love, a true Christian state
Love God and neighbor, a command to fulfill
A heart of generosity, our true wealth to build

Let's reflect on our ways, and ask with sincerity
Are we using our gifts, to set humanity free?
May love and detachment, guide us on our way
To a treasure in heaven, that never fades away.