Sunday, August 18, 2024

Young Man

Young Man

A young man came, with enthusiasm bright
Seeking eternal life, with all his might
He followed rules, with a moral stride
But lacked the love, to step aside

His wealth possessed him, his heart was tied
He couldn't let go, he couldn't hide
The cost was high, the challenge great
He walked away, with a sorrowful state

Good intentions, aren't enough to share
Sacrifices must be made, to show we care
For the poor, the needy, the ones in pain
We must give up, our earthly gain

Jesus invites us, to examine our heart
To let go of attachments, that tear us apart
From the love of God, from eternal life
And find true treasure, in His strife.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bread of Eternal Life

Bread of Eternal life

Living Bread from heaven's gate,
Jesus, the sustenance for our soul's state.
Eucharist, the food that endures forevermore,
Nourishing our spiritual lives, on earth and in heaven's shore.

Transforming us, into His loving embrace,
A foretaste of heaven, in every sacred space.
Manna for the journey, through life's desert sand,
Strengthening our faith, in this hostile land.

With every reception, our hearts beat as one,
With Jesus, the source, of all holiness begun.
Eternal life's sustenance, in every Eucharistic share,
Safely guiding us, to our heavenly lair.



A healer's hands, now laid to rest
In a place of trust, she was betrayed, unblessed
Her uniform, a symbol of care
But in the shadows, evil lurked, unaware

Blame shifted, like falling sand
From the perpetrators, to her helpless hand
The system failed, in silence and shame
A life lost, in a place of healing and claim

May truth prevail, and justice reign
For the fallen, and the ones who remain
May we learn, from this tragic fate
To protect and serve, with a nobler state.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Little Children

Little Children 

Little ones brought to Jesus' feet,
Seeking blessings, a parent's sweet treat.
A lesson for us, to guide them with care,
And bring them to Jesus, with love to share.

For spiritual growth, they need His grace,
To flourish in faith, and find their place.
Like the apostles, let us not hinder their way,
But bridge the gap, come what may.

Let us not cause scandals, or lead astray,
But teach the young, come Sunday's day.
For if we fail, we'll answer to the call,
Of a generation, lost, without His all.

So let us welcome, with open arms,
The little ones, and keep them from harm.
And bring them to Jesus, with love so true,
For theirs is the kingdom, forever anew.

The Flow

The Flow

Like birds of a feather, we align,
Best love, you and me, a heart-to-heart rhyme.
Childhood memories, innocent and free,
Baby, we flow, like a love river to the sea.

With every hardship, our love flows strong,
To freedom, where our hearts belong.
The power of our love, a unity to share,
Flows from God, who is love, and shows we care.

This flow is pure, no debris in sight,
No lies, no manipulation, just love's delight.
Ask Eternity, Ask Everlasting, ask the sea,
The Ocean of love is our witness, forever free.

Thursday, August 15, 2024



In the beginning, God's plan unfolded,
Male and female, a union to mold,
One flesh, one heart, one soul, one mind,
Together forever, a bond divine.

Jesus spoke of unity, indissoluble too,
What God joins, let no one break through,
A sacrament, not just a human tie,
A union of three, with God, we fly.

Not just a contract, but a communion true,
With God and each other, in love anew,
A sanctuary, where God dwells within,
Not a battlefield, where love gives in.

Love sustains, through every test of time,
Forgiveness, understanding, a heart that's aligned,
No room for ego, hurt, or doubt to creep,
Only God's love, in a marriage that sleeps.

Keep God in your marriage, and He'll keep you too,
A lifelong bond, a love that shines through.

Mary and Heaven

Mary and Heaven

Mary, a vessel of heaven's grace
Contained the King, in her sacred space
Her "yes" brought heaven to earth below
Uniting divine and human, in a love that glows

Now heaven embraces her, body and soul
The Assumption's mystery, makes her whole
United with her Son, in glory and light
A crowning point, to her life's pure delight

Her journey of faith, a path we're called to roam
Fixing our gaze, on heaven, our eternal home
Mary's reward, a promise to us all
Faithful obedience, leads to heaven's hall

Her purity and humility, inspire us to strive
For holiness and surrender, to God's will alive
Mary, our guide, to heaven's gate
Showing us the way, to our eternal state.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Fraternal Correction

Fraternal Correction 

A brother's fault, a gentle hand
Correction offered, with love to stand
Not judgment or condemnation's might
But guidance and care, to bring new light

In private, we speak, with kindness true
Avoiding gossip, and harm anew
No public shame, or hurtful pride
But a calm and open heart, side by side

Timing is key, when emotions subside
A gentle approach, with understanding's tide
Solutions offered, with a helping hand
Not just fault-finding, but a loving stand

Humility's cloak, we must wear with care
Recognizing our own faults, we must share
No righteousness, or holier-than-thou
But a brother's love, that seeks to renew

May our corrections, be motivated by love
A desire to help, sent from above
May we offer guidance, with a gentle tone
And help each other, to grow and be known.

Divine Logic

Divine Logic

A stray sheep wanders, lost and alone,
The Shepherd searches, leaving ninety-nine to roam.
He seeks the one, with love so true,
Every soul precious, in His eyes, anew.

Unlike human hearts, that count the gain,
God's mercy seeks, the one in pain.
No small loss, in His divine sight,
Every soul matters, in His loving light.

With joy, He finds, the lost one's face,
And welcomes home, to a warm embrace.
We're precious, honored, in His sight,
A blessed feeling, to know His love so bright.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Angel's Cake


Angel's Cake, a gift divine,
Nourishes Elijah, body and mind.
Forty days and nights, he journeys on,
To Mount Horeb, where God's presence is shown.

In the Eucharist, we find the same,
Angel's Cake, Jesus' flesh, our spiritual claim.
Nourished and strengthened, we walk our way,
Through life's journey, to Heaven's gate, each day.

Angels envy us, this privilege so rare,
To eat the Angel's Cake, beyond compare.
In Heaven, they don't have this gift to share,
But we, on earth, receive it, with love and care.

So let us cherish, this sacred food,
And walk with strength, in our life's journey, as we should.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Grain of Wheat

Grain of wheat 

A grain of wheat, so small and round,
Falls to the ground, its life unbound.
In darkness, it breaks, decays, and dies,
But in death, new life, and fruit, it implies.

Like Christ, it rises, transformed, anew,
Its journey long, with struggles, pain, and dew.
From godown to field, to altar high,
It becomes the Body, of Christ, we can't deny.

Death is not end, but a new birth,
A change, a gain, a new life on earth.
In struggles, pain, and failures, we find,
A process of growth, a new design.

So let us embrace, the dying grain,
And trust in life, that comes from pain.
For in death's darkness, new life will sprout,
And from struggles, beauty will devout.

God Rewards

God Rewards

A day of reckoning, a time to face
The consequences of our actions, our choices, our pace
Jesus reminds us, with a gentle might
Our deeds and conduct, will shine with light

God's justice prevails, in every test
Our character and values, will be etched in our breast
Every action, every word, every intent
Recorded in the ledger, of our life's event

Let us live with mindfulness, and a heart so true
Guided by love, with compassion shining through
For in the end, it's not just punishment we face
But abundant blessings, for a life well-placed

So let us strive, to be kind and just
Forgiving and understanding, with a heart we trust
For the way we treat others, reflects our soul
And God's repayment, will make our hearts whole.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Universal Love

Universal Love

In Tyre and Sidon, Jesus walked the shore,
Escaping persecution, seeking more,
A place to train His Apostles, and share,
The universal love, that's beyond compare.

A Gentile woman, with faith so strong,
Cried out for mercy, and didn't go wrong,
Jesus healed her daughter, with a loving hand,
Showing God's mercy, to all lands.

Let's persist in prayer, with trustful heart,
And pull down walls, that set us apart,
For God's love is universal, and true,
Extended to all, who call on Him anew.